Tonight I had a wonderful time at the book release party for “Masks of the Muse: Building a relationship with the Goddess of the West” by Veronica Cummer. The author is a friend of mine, so I wanted to be sure to show up for this one.
I wanted to buy my copy of the book, but when I arrived at the store, another friend of mine snagged the last copy of the book that they had on hand. But, since I know the author, I’ll get my own copy later and have her sign it some other time. I also wanted to be sure to blog about it so I had my husband come with camera in hand so I had some visual record of the event to share as well. There were all kinds of interesting people there, and after a while little groups broke off and conversations went just about everywhere.

Tomorrow I’ll be back at the store to do my regular reiki sessions, and I’ll order a copy of the book then. It really looks like a wonderful one, right up my alley:
Through four faces, four masks of the Muse, this book explores different aspects of inspiration, creativity, and magick. Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Ariadne, and the Lady of the Lake await, each to teach us of the Arts and what we are capable of at our very best.
By the poetry, prayer, invocation, and ritual contained within we can come to know the Muse and so know ourselves and the gifts we all have within us that demand recognition and expression. The path of the Muse may not always be an easy or a safe one, but anything worth having is worth paying the price for. Who is the Muse? Who are we?
This book is a journey, one that we must dare to take and dare to take hold of what is revealed.. As we must return to the well of memory, the depths of the ocean, and the currents below the earth, there to claim what was ours all along.
Now that’s a book that I can really get into! So much of my personal meditations lately have been very revealing. I’ve been exploring healing in different ways, and have learned a great deal about myself in the process. I don’t call this blog “the adventures of a reiki practioner” for nothing. 🙂
Life is such an adventure that I never really know what’s around the corner. For me, part of the excitement of living is spending time with people and sharing in their lives in a meaningful way. Blogging online is great, but being with people in person is much, much, better. I guess I just really like a hands on approach!