Sunday Reiki Review – 4/5/09

Tonight I thought I’d share how my regular Reiki Gig at Eye of Horus went yesterday. The morning began well enough, but when I looked at the clock it was nearly time to load up the car with my Reiki Table and go. So I hurried to get everything packed up:

Hey wait-a-minute…the clock in here says it’s only 9:00, not 10:00…Darned Automatic Daylight Savings on the VCR!!!! >:(  Not in such a rush after all, so we got everything loaded into the car and pulled out of the driveway with enough time to get a Grand Slam breakfast at Denny’s before heading over to Eye of Horus for my Reiki Sunday.

I forgot the boom box for my ambient music!!!

  • Drive home on the way out from Denny’s – check
  • grab boom box – check
  • grab CD – check
  • and go directly to Eye of Horus, do not pass go – check.

I arrived in plenty of time for set-up, light incense, light candles, fill the room with Reiki using the First Reiki Symbol CKR…ahhhh. Then I shut the door and laid down on the table in the Twilight Room and gave myself some much needed Reiki.

When I came out I was told that my 2:15 appointment couldn’t make it, but they would call back and schedule their Reiki session for another time. I thought cool! I had a 2:15? I knew about the 1:00 appointment, so I was glad to hear that I’d had another one scheduled, even if they cancelled.

Then, just before my regular shift started a gal wanted to give Reiki a try. So with a 15 minute Aura Session we concentrated on clearing her Chakra’s and giving her a nice Reiki charge for her performance in a play later that day.

I browsed through the store until my 1:00 showed up, we had been emailing back and forth and this was her first Reiki Session, and she wanted The Grande. We did quite a bit of Aura Cleansing, as well as releasing some chords (a Pranic Healing technique) from her past so she could move forward more freely. All this as well as complete head-to-toe Reiki on both the front and back body. It’s fun pulling out all the techniques I’ve learned to give somebody the full Reiki Energy Tune-up! The session went very well, and my clients both walked away happy. That’s all I can ask as a Reiki practitioner.

I brought my journal and a book to read, so I spent some time doing that, as well as wandering around the store. Later that day the Eye of Horus staff that was at the Rock and Gem show returned with their purchases. Some beautiful amber pieces came in which Jane showed to me, and then we talked a bit about the upcoming Psychic Saturday, where I will be doing ten minute Reiki Sessions. She said that nobody had signed up for the Reiki yet, just readings…gee, I wonder why…The AD:


No mention of Reiki…so here is the new and improved version of The AD:


Sure there are 6 readers and only 1 reiki master, but nobody would know there was the reiki going on at this shindig. It’s up to me to take the bull by the horns and let everyone know, so that’s what I’m doing right now!

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